Enhance CRM and audience databases with rich consumer insights for a deeper understanding of who your customers are, how they think and why they act the way they do.
The Living Insights portal enhances customer and audience databases with hundreds of rich profiling variables encompassing segmentation schemes and consumer data like; demographics, household demand, finance & economics, health & wellbeing, sustainability, attitudes, lifestyles, buying intentions and motivations.
The rich profiling variables will enable you to unlock powerful insights, develop deeper customer knowledge and create a genuine competitive advantage by enhancing customer analytics like database profiling, behavioural attribution, database segmentation and audience selection.
The portal processes both small and large-scale databases using multiple input formats through a choice of secure channels to bring rich new dimensions to your Analytics Server, Data Warehouse or Marketing Cloud.
Use the rich new dimensions on your databases to drive deeper insights in terms of underlying needs, households wallet size, health and wellbeing, media consumption, attitudes, interests and intent, using your machine learning and visualization tools.
Create more engaging communications, better propositions, more tightly targeted audiences and develop a deeper understanding of customer motivations by analysis of your enhanced customer data.
Data Enhancement at the Best Geographic Level For You
Our unique Geograph concords different geographic levels into a single consistent framework for use in the Living Insights Portal.

Multiple Interfaces to Compliment Your
Organizational Needs

Choose how you want to send your data to the portal for enhancement.

SFTP: Automatically upload large batch files through the SFTP interface and collect the enhanced data from your outbox.

Web Interface: Manually upload files through the Web Interface and download the appended data to your desktop.

API: Use our secure API to enhance your data in real time.

Privacy Safe Data Enhancement
Living Insights has been built on the principle of risk minimization and adheres to the highest standards of anonymity, privacy and cyber security.
- Uploaded data is strictly limited to the absolute minimum required for data appending. No additional information is accepted on uploaded files.
- Living Insights strips fine-grained location information from uploaded data at the earliest possible point in the process, so there is no PII on appended databases.
- Uploaded and intermediate files are securely deleted at the earliest possible stage in the process. For database profiling reports, all data has been securely deleted by the time the report is available.
- After 14 days, appended files are automatically deleted from the portal. Only a summary record of transactions is kept for audit purposes. Users can delete their appended databases at any time before the 14 days.
- The process is fully parametric and based on Census, population updates, Government microdata, anonymised market research surveys as well as geographic information from public and commercial sources.
- Services on the Living Insights Portal are conducted in compliance with the Australian privacy principles and the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (cth), as amended.